Alternative Packaging – Reducing the Impact of Single Use Plastics | Opportunities | Energy Innovation Centre

Alternative Packaging – Reducing the Impact of Single Use Plastics | Opportunities | Energy Innovation Centre

Work completed as part of the Gas Distribution Network’s (GDNs) replacement expenditure (repex) programme, emergency repair works and new gas connection installations, require many separate componen…

Siemens supports sustainable mobility with electric bus fleet infrastructure

Siemens supports sustainable mobility with electric bus fleet infrastructure

With electric buses being identified as a cornerstone to supporting the reduction of air and noise pollution in cities, more public transport providers are turning to battery-powered fleets.’) } else if (width >= 425) { console.log (‘largescreen’); document.write(”) } else { console.log (‘nompuad’);…

Indigenous communities in Canada: a key part of sustainable biomass energy | Wood Pellet Association of Canada

Indigenous communities in Canada: a key part of sustainable biomass energy | Wood Pellet Association of Canada

Stena Bulk, GoodFuels complete trial of sustainable marine biofuel The 49,646 deadweight tonne (dwt) MR tanker received the first delivery of biofuel oil (BFO) during its recent call at the Port of Rotterdam. The fuel, which GoodFuels launched in 2018, reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 83 per cent and[…] Read more…