CDLP launches sustainable loungewear collection

CDLP launches sustainable loungewear collection

Musing on menswear at the beginning of the 20th century, the polemical architect and theorist Adolf Loos decided that to be well dressed meant to be ‘correctly dressed’. ‘Correctly dressed! It is as if with these words I have revealed a secret that up till now has cloaked our perception of fashion … It is all about being dressed in an inconspicuous manner,’ he wrote.

ONE-DAY-SOON Village Sustainable Development Project – Bignayan Village, The Philippines

ONE-DAY-SOON Village Sustainable Development Project – Bignayan Village, The Philippines

The people of Bignayan Village, Mindoro, relied on tourism for their livelihood. With the COVID-19 lockdown, tourism stopped – No tourists – No Jobs – No Money – No food.  Many families are struggling to provide at least one meal a day. There is no money for phone calls, internet, electricity…