How smart sustainable labelling can reduce the carbon footprint of food packaging

How smart sustainable labelling can reduce the carbon footprint of food packaging

In recent years we’ve seen people of all ages taking to the streets to demand action on climate change from governments and corporations around the world. Global warming is now as likely to be discussed by your kids in the playground or by your colleagues on a coffee break as it is by politicians…

Biochar’s added value in sustainable land use with targeted applications – in processes, growing media & (future proof) open-field cultivation

Biochar’s added value in sustainable land use with targeted applications – in processes, growing media & (future proof) open-field cultivation

BASTA is a project concerning the production and use of biochar in different applications. The project is carried out by UHasselt and ILVO with financial support of the FWO (Research Foundation of Flanders). Contact persons: Promoter UHasselt: Prof Dr Ann Cuypers [email protected] 011 26 83 26 Co-promoter ILVO: Dr Ir Bart Vandecasteele [email protected] 09 272 26 99 Project manager: Dr Marijke Jozefczak [email protected] 011 26 83 77

Is COVID-19 Shifting Attitudes Towards Sustainability? A Case Study from Amsterdam – Our World

Is COVID-19 Shifting Attitudes Towards Sustainability? A Case Study from Amsterdam – Our World

With a global population co-experiencing social, economic, and health impacts from the COVID-19 crisis, research in Amsterdam provides a window of insight into how the pandemic might be shaping new perceptions of sustainability.