, How would a Gigafactory contribute to the UK’s green recovery?, TheCircularEconomy.com

How would a Gigafactory contribute to the UK’s green recovery?

Reports have emerged that the UK is set to unveil funds for a national battery production centre in the UK, but efforts may still be required to ensure that battery production is aligned to the circular economy.  As reported in the Guardian, the Government “is committed to securing investment in gigafactories in the UK” and that the industry needs “a robust battery supply chain to realise our ambitions of making the electric vehicles of the future here in the UK”.  It is believed that a gigafactory could be included as part of the £1bn automotive transformation fund, however, details of funding allocations are yet to emerge. However, with the Government expected to unveil a 10-point plan to accelerate efforts towards net-zero, transport is expected to feature heavily in new policy introductions.

Read the full article at: www.edie.net

, How would a Gigafactory contribute to the UK’s green recovery?, TheCircularEconomy.com

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